Hola Ositos parents:
We hope you had a great week!
We are happy to have Maya Hamer
in our ositos classroom. WELCOME Maya and her family!!!
Next week we will be talking
about rockets and astronauts, emphasizing the first trip to the moon.
Words of the week are:
- Los cohetes- The rockets
- Los astronautas- The astronauts
- El espacio-The space
- El telescopio- The telescope
Special event:
*We begin our special family
activity called “The traveling pet”
Next week our pet Willy the
bear will be visiting the home of Xavier Diaz. Enjoy the week with Willy.
All art together:
The theme o this week is the
Universe, for that reason the art for this month is to make a art about the
universe and according to your creativity, for example, planets,sun,moon,stars,
among other. Thanks to the parents who brougt their art,Gracias!
Letter of the week: Bb
Children can bring toys or
cuyouts from magazines that begin with the letter Bb, for example
- bate-bat
- bola-ball
- botella-botle
- bebe-baby
- bicicleta-bicycle
- barco-boat
- ballene-whale
- bufanda-scarf
- other
Children will trace words
Please note
important dates:
* Monday January 20th, Sff!
will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Miss iris and Miss Kenia
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