Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jan 31, 2014

Week of February 3rd - 7th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a nice week and our Ositos had having a fun day playing with snow!
Next week we will start talking about the theme El reino vegetal/The plant kingdom. We will give emphasis to the growth of the plants ant trees and the name of each of their parts. Also they will sow beans in the soil and in the cotton to observe and compare where the beans grow faster.

The words of the week are:
·         la semilla-the seed
·         la germinacion-germination
·         la planta-the plant
·         el arbol-the tree
·         la raiz-the root
·         el tallo-the stem
·         la hoja-the leaf
·         la flor-the flower
·         el polen-the pollen

Letter of the week:Ll ll
Children can bring toys or cutuots from magazines that begin or have this letter, for example,
·         la llave-the key
·         el caballo-the horse
·         la ballena- the whale
·         el pollito-the chick
·         el martillo-the hammer
·         la gallina-the hen
·         la lluvia-the rain
·         other

Tracing words related with the plants and trees.

Special events:

*Our pet, Willy the bear, will be visiting Ella's house. Enjoy the week with Willy!

*February 6, Ms Dawn, who affectionately Braydon calls Nawnie, will be visiting our classroom and she will read a book about a snowman, then make a paper snowman activity with the children.

*February 6, at 4:30 pm-Parents meeting about THE OSITOS GRADUATION CEREMONY!

* Congratulations to Xavier Diaz and Maya Hamer for their birthdays this week. Feliz Cumpleanos!

Upcoming events:

*February 10-14- Scholastic Book Fair

*February 14- We will celebrate with our ositos Valentines'Day and they can bring cards, pencils, stamps and other things to share with their friends.

Have a wonderful week!

Ms Iris and Ms Kenia

Jan 24, 2014

Week of January 27th - 31st !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!
Next week we ended the theme El Universo y Yo/ The Universe and Me, talking about the elements of planet Earth. children will learn the importance of each element. Also, we will do an experiment related with the water cycle. Thank parents for your projects about the planet. These have been a great help to our class. GRACIAS!!

Words of the week are:
·         los elementos-the elements
·         el aire-air
·         el fuego-fire
·         la tierra-soil
·         el agua-water
El ciclo del agua-The water cycle
·         la precipitacion-precipitation
·         la evaporacion-evaporation
·         la precipitacio-precipitation

La letra de la semana/ Letter of the week: Vv
Children can bring toys or cutouts from magazines that begin with this letter, for example
·         la vaca-the cow
·         el vaso-the cup
·         la vela-the candle
·         el viento-the wind
·         el violin-the violin
·         la ventana-the window
·         el volcan-the volcano

Practice writing the numbers

Special Event
Congratulations to Maya Hamer, our Student of the Week. Also, Willy, the Bear, will be visiting her house. Enjoy the week with Willy!

Good Bye ! We will miss you!
It's sad to announce this is Noah Scott's last week. We are going to miss you Noah, all your friends wish you the best and we hope to see you soon. Please come to visit us ! 

Upcoming events:

*Parents meeting about the OSITOS GRADUATION CEREMONY- Thursday, February 6 at 4:30 pm in our ositos classroom.

*Week February 10-14-Scholastic Book Fair

Important note:

** Parents, helps us by putting your child's jacket inside his/her cubby. In order to follow school/sanitation regulations, children's jackets can not touch each other, so we think it's better if we put them inside their cubbies. Thank you for your help!

Have a nice weekend!!!

Ms Iris and Ms Kenia

Jan 17, 2014

Week of January 21st - 24th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope everyone had a great week!
Once again we are happy to have a new girl in our Ositos classroom, WELCOME Vega Sellers and her family, BIENVENIDOS!
Next week we will be talking about “The Universe” and we will give emphasis to our planet Earth. Children will learn how long the earth revolves around the sun. So they can learn why and how there’s day and night. Also we will be talking about recycling and its importance to preserve our planet.

Words of the week are:
·        El planeta Tierra-The planet Earth
·        el dia-the day
·        la noche-the night
·        reciclar-recycle
·        el papel-the paper
·        el plastico-the plastic
·        el aluminio-the aluminum

Special events:
*Next week our pet “Willy the bear”, will be visiting the home of Braydon Plummer. Hope you have a nice week with Willy.
*Congratulations to Noah for his birthday. Enjoy your day!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!!

Letter of the week: Cc
Children can bring toys or cutouts from magazines that begin with this letter, for exampe,
It is a pleasure for us,  to inform you that most children are reading syllables, other words and some sentences. Buen trabajo ositos!!!

Your child will draw planet Earth on her/his notebok ( science area)

*Monday January 20, SFF! will be cosed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. day.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Miss Iris and Miss Kenia

Jan 10, 2014

Week of January 13th - 17th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:
We hope you had a great week!
We are happy to have Maya Hamer in our ositos classroom. WELCOME Maya and her family!!!
Next week we will be talking about rockets and astronauts, emphasizing the first trip to the moon.
Words of the week are:
  • Los cohetes- The rockets
  • Los astronautas- The astronauts
  • El espacio-The space
  • El telescopio- The telescope

Special event:
*We begin our special family activity called “The traveling pet”
Next week our pet Willy the bear will be visiting the home of Xavier Diaz. Enjoy the week with Willy.

All art together:
The theme o this week is the Universe, for that reason the art for this month is to make a art about the universe and according to your creativity, for example, planets,sun,moon,stars, among other. Thanks to the parents who brougt their art,Gracias!

Letter of the week: Bb
Children can bring toys or cuyouts from magazines that begin with the letter Bb, for example
  • bate-bat
  • bola-ball
  • botella-botle
  • bebe-baby
  • bicicleta-bicycle
  • barco-boat
  • ballene-whale
  • bufanda-scarf
  • other

Children will trace words (Notebook)

Please note important dates:
* Monday January 20th, Sff! will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day  

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Miss iris and Miss Kenia

Jan 3, 2014

Week of January 6th - 10th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

Happy year 2014!!! We hope you had a wonderful week!
We are excited to begin a new year. Thank you again for your cooperation and support in our Holiday Party. We are very proud of our Ositos. Thank also for your presents, your card, but especially for your affection. GRACIAS!!!
Next week we will start talking about the theme El Universo y yo/The Universe and me. We will give emphasis to the planets and their relation with the sun.

Words of the week:
·         Los planetas-the planets
·         el sol-the sun
·         La luna-the moon
·         Las estrellas-the starts
·         El cometa-the comet

Special event:
*Congratulation to Layla for her birthday, Feliz Cumpleaños!!
*Congratulations to Caleb, our child of the week, Felicidades!!

Special family activity:
We begin our special activity called “The traveling pet”. Our pet is a stuffed bear named Willy. Each week Willy will visit a family. You can take picture of your child doing different activities with our pet, such as playing, reading book, resting, among other. Then you will write a short description of each picture. The sign-up sheet is taped to the wall near the front door to the classroom.

All Art Together:
The theme of this month is The Universe, for that reason the art for this month is to make a art about the universe and according to your creativity, for example, planets, sun, star, moon, among other.

The letter of the week: Dd
Children can bring toys or cutouts from magazines that begin with the letter Dd, for example,
·         dinosaurio-dinosaur
·         dedo-finger
·         delantal-apron
·         dona-donut
·         diente-tooth
·         disco-disk
·         doctor-doctor
·         diamante-diamond
·         dado-dice
·         other

Children will practice writing the number (notebook)

Have a great weekend!!!!

Miss Iris and Miss Kenia