Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Nov 15, 2013

Week of November 18th - 22nd !!

Hola ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!
Next week we will be starting talking about the theme “Mi pais/ My country” (United States) The children will identify the country on the globe. They will name the states that have visited with their family and we will look on the map. Also we wil be talking about the seasons, emphasizing the season we are.

Words of the week are:
·         globo terraqueo-globe
·         geografia-geography
·         mapa-map
·         estados-states
·         estaciones-seasons
·         Primavera-spring
·         verano-summer
·         otono-autumn
·         invierno-winter

Special Event:
*Congratulations to Qadir, our child of the week, Felicidades!!

Upcoming Event:
* November 27, Thanksgiving Celebration- Our ositos will dramatize the story entitled The First Day of Thanksgiving for the Pilgrims. Then we will have a delicious breakfast. Please sign-up for our breakfast activity, the list is outside the classroom. This special activity will start at 8:30 am.
School closed- Thanksgiving Holiday on November 28-29
Letter of the week: Ss
You can bring objects, picture or images from magazines that begin with the letter Ss, for example,

*Report Cards will be sent home on Monday, November 18. Please sign it and return. Parents so will has conferences, please bring you report card child on Tuesday, November 19-Conferences Day.

* Our special Christmas activity coming soon!!!!
Our ositos will sing the song written by me entitled Peace at Christmas and Always. A child dressed as Santa Claus and other child as a white dove. The other children dressed;
girls- Shirt and white skirt or white dress and Santa Claus hat.
boys- Shirt and white pants and Santa Claus hat.
*Soon we wil give you a letter with more detail.

Ms. Iris & Ms. Kenia

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