Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 18, 2013

Week of October 21st - 25th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:
We hope you had a great weekend!
Congratulations!!!! to our Ositos for their great performance in the dramatization about Columbus day.  Parents thank you very much for coming!!
Next week we will be talking about "The family" and giving emphasis to the extended members who do not live in the house.  Also we will be preparing them to go to the farm.
Words of the week:
·         el abuelo-the grandfather
·         la abuela-the grandmother
·         el tio-the uncle
·         la tia-the aunt
·         el primo-the cousin
·         la prima-the cousin
Special words:
·         el paseo-the field trip
·         la granja-the farm
·         La calabaza- the pumkin
·         animales de la granja-farm animals
·         el conejo-the rabbit
·         el cerdo-the pig
·         maiz-corn

Special events:
*Congratulations to Dean, our child of the week,Felicidades!

* Happy Birthday to Calvin Provost, hi is turning 5 this week!
*Friday,October 25- Field trip
Where: Hill Ridge Farm in Youngsville
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Upcoming events:
October 31- Costume parade
*We hope all children will come dressed in costume.

*Practice tracing (Area of writing and language)

The first week of November our class will start learning and tracing the letters and their sound with the different vowels. We will begin with the letter "M - m"

Have a wonderful week!

Miss Iris and Miss Kenia

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