Hola Ositos parents:
We hope you had a wonderful week!
Next week we will continue talking about the senses and on this occasion
we will emphasize the senses of touch and taste. We also reviewing the studied senses, sight,
hearing and smell and how work the senses with the brain.
Special activities of
the theme:
*Cooking class- We will make cookies
*We will do a book of the textures.
The words of the week
el tacto- the touch
las manos- the hands
el gusto- the taste
la lengua- the tongue
agrio- sour
acido- acid
dulce- sweet
picante- spicy
el cerebro- the brain
Special Events:
*Congratulations to Vivian, our child of the week. Felicidades!
*Congratulations to Josephine for her birthday, Feliz cumpleanos!
*Congratulations to Caleb's family for the birth of a new family member!
Upcoming Events:
14th Columbus Day
Celebration at Sff!
25th Field trip (more
information below)
31st Costume Parade
We will continue reviewing the
vowels and we will give emphasis to writing.
Thanks to the parents who brought images and objects with the vowel Uu.
Wednesday, September 25, take home your child’s notebook and please help
your child to do the task about the senses.
The home will be in the part of science of your child notebook.
*We want to let you know that many children are improving their writing
skills. THANKS for your valuable help.
Have e great weekend!!!
Miss iris and Miss Kenia
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