Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Aug 30, 2013

Week of September 3rd- 6th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

hope you had a nice week!
The next week we will be taking about the theme “ Mi cuerpo/My body”
We will do different activities such as games, songs and use of images for the children enjoy while learning.

The words of the week are:
·         las cejas-the eyebrows
·         las pestanas-the eyelashes
·         la mejilla-the cheek
·         la lengua-the tongue
·         la barbilla-the chin
·         el hombro-the shoulder
·         el brazo-the arm
·         el codo-the elbow
·         la pierna-the leg
·         el talon-the heel

We will be reviewing the body parts known for the children and to benefit the new children in Spanish for fun!

Vowel of the week Ii
We will working with the vowel Ii and the vocabulary is:
Thanks to the parents who brought objects related with the vowel Ee.

Special Events:
*Congratulations to Madeleine Mount, who is our first child of the week of the new school year. Madeleine has had a great adaptation in Spanish For Fun!.  Felicidades!!!!
*September 6, we will begin our special activity named Art Together.
The children take home the body shape and they will complete the parts according to their creativity.  The children can bring their arts as soon they finish.

*September 4, the children take home a task related to body parts and the numbers.  The task will be in your child cubby.
*September 2, Labor Day-School closed

Have a wonderful long weekend!!!
Miss Iris and Miss Kenia

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