Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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May 28, 2013

Week of May 28th - May 31st !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

I hope you had a nice and restful weekend!

This week we are talking about “The technology”, and we will be giving emphasis to the evolution of the means of communication such as the television, radio, telephone and computer.  Also we will make different crafts about this theme.

The words of this week:
* Medios de comunicacion / Means of communication
* Tecnologia /Technology
* Television / Television
 *Radio/ Radio
* Telefono/ Telephone
* Telefono cellular /Cell phone
* Computadora/ Computer

Special events:

*Toy day is on Friday,May 31- Your child may bring a toy this day to play and share with her/his friends. Please emphasize that if he/she brings a toy to the classroom must have to share it with his/her classmates.
* Graduation Ceremony is on June 1- Bond Park Community Center at 10:00 am.  I hope to see everyone on the most important activity of the school year because it is the success achieved by the children.

Homework: Continue at home to help your child to write numbers and letters.

Note: I will give you the report card of your child this week.  Parents who wants to have a conference with me about your child, please sign the sheet will be at the entrance of the classroom.  The conference will be on June 11.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris

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