This week we are talking about the theme “My community and me/ Mi comunidad y yo”. We will give emphasis to places such as the museum, the park, the airport and other. The children will name the places they have visited and they will describe these. We will show them the image of the place accompanied with the word and encourage reading.
Special activity:
We will transform the dramatic play area in a supermarket.
The words for this week are:
el Museo-the museum
el Parque-the park
el Aeropuerto-the airport
la Bilblioteca-the library
el Supermercado-the supermarket
la Tienda-the store
la Escuela-the school
la Iglesia-the church
Special events:
*Willy the bear will be visiting Kai's home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
*Andres is our child of the week, congratulations!
*Happy Birthday Arabella and Kai. FELIZ CUMPLEANIOS!
Please make sure that your child's jacket is labeled and separated from the jacket hung by another child.
You can put your child's jacket in his/her cubby if space is available or you can use the hooks of the cubbies that are near the closet.
Please bring objects or picture from magazines with this letter Mm, for example:
el museo-museum
la mariposa-butterfly
la miel-honey
el murcielago-bat
el martillo-hammer
la munieca-doll
la motocicleta-motorcycle
la mesa-table
la foto de mama-picture's mom
Upcoming events:
On Wednesday, our school will be visited by Cary Fire Department to talk our children about fire prevention and safety.
Next week we will be talking about community helpers. Parents who want to share with us and talk about their job with the children may come at circle time to do a little demonstration. Please let me know.
The children enjoyed the Costume party. Thank you very much parents for your support and cooperation. GRACIAS!
Have a great week!
Miss Iris and Miss Patricia
The children enjoyed the Costume party. Thank you very much parents for your support and cooperation. GRACIAS!
Have a great week!
Miss Iris and Miss Patricia
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