Dear Ositos Parents:
We will be learning more about "MY BODY" this week.
Children will do arts and also they will learn how some organs work;
like the heart, brain, lungs and digestive system.
The words for this week are:
el cerebro-the brain
el corazon-the heart
la sangre- the blood
las venas-the veins
Las arterias-the arteries
El sistema respiratorio-Respiratory system
los pulmones-the lungs
el aire-the air
El sistema digestivo-Digestive system
el estomago-the stomach
los intestinos-the intestines
Please remember to sign up for the week you would like to have our traveling friend Willy the bear visiting your home.
Also we would like to know more about your child and his/her family, please remember to sign up for your student of the week activity.
Last week children began working in their notebook, please make sure you review their progress. We appreciate you leave the notebook in the cubbie after you read it.
Please remember to congratulate your child for his/her efforts.
Felicidades Badia Family on the birth of your new family member, Congratulations!
Feliz Cumpleannios! Also to Andres Chiang. Happy Birthday!
Friday is due date for all sold and unsold Citipass books.
Please make sure to turn in your orders.
Have a great week!
Miss Iris and Miss Patricia
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