Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we will continue learning about the theme "The senses/Los sentidos" We will be talking about "touch and taste". Also, we will review the senses of the sight, hearing and smell. The children will identify different textures and taste various foods to identify those that are sweet, salty and sour.
The words for this week are:
el tacto-touch
el gusto-taste
salado salty
Special events:
*From September 24th to October 1st, Willy the bear will visit Andres’s Home. Our pet visited already Mirella and Isabela’s house and is having lots of fun!
Thank you for sharing with Willy.
*September 28 is Pajama day
Please help us keep your child's cubby clean and organized by taking home your child’s work.
We will begin the activity All art together. This art project is related to the theme of this month.
In your child’s cubby you will find a folder with pictures and body parts.
The child will see different images about the senses, and will paste to the side the body part that relates the sense that is being used.
Please return this art project by September 28th or before if the project is ready.
Thank you parents for your support!
Have a great week
Miss iris