Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jun 28, 2012

Week of June 25-29!

Dear Ositos Parents

It has been a great week so far, we have been talking about the topic “Let’s go camping, and we have done among other activities:

*Monday- we will do a walk around the playground for insects, rocks and flowers.

*Tuesday- we will make a fire with sticks and paper(pretend there is fire)

*Wednesday-Picnic day

*Thursday- Pajama day, if you have you can bring sleeping bag.

*Friday-Day of camp, we will have a tent and some food for the children.

The words for this week are:
la carpa-the tent
la linterna-the flashlight
la cantimplora-the canteen
la mochila-the backpack
la bolsa de dormir-the sleeping bag
los primeros auxilios- first aid
los alimentos-the food
los insectos-the insects

Splash days, Mondays and Wednesdays are in the morning and Thursdays  are in the afternoon.

Have a great one

Miss Iiris and Miss Patricia

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