Ositos Class
Ms. Luz &
Ms. Sugey
Theme of
the week: “The Universe and me/El Universo y yo”
Week of
June 1st - June 5th
Hola Ositos Parents,Only one day until graduation ceremony - we are so excited!
Welcome to the month of June! The theme of these first two weeks of this month will be about "The Universe and I" We will be working on our planet "the Earth” and its characteristics, including its shape, and important tasks, such as taking caring for and protecting it.
Our goal this week is for the children to know the planet where we live and the four elements. We also want them to understand the importance caring for and protecting our planet.
Canción/ Song
Buenos días ya salió el sol
Miro hacia el cielo, las nubes de algodón
Buenas noches, la luna salió
Muchas estrellitas luceros de amor.
Estrellas, planetas
Luna y sol
Cuida nuestra tierra y llénala de amor.
Poesía/ Poem
Todos los niños
Un gran viaje van hacer
De la tierra hasta la luna
Volar será un placer
Nos pondremos nuestros
Trajes y a la nave subiremos
Sentaditos todos juntos
A la luna llegaremos.
Poesía: Proyecto día del Padre Poem- Father’s day
Mi papito es muy bueno,
igualito a mi mamá,
se levanta muy temprano,
yo lo voy a saludar.
Yo me subo a sus rodillas,
y me pongo a cabalgar,
ico, ico caballito,
qué bueno que es mi papa
Adivinanza/ Riddle
Doy calorcito
Soy muy Redondo
Salgo prontito
Y tarde me escondo.
Trabalenguas- Tongue Twister
Filipí filipó
La flor se abrio
Filipí filipó
El sol la abrigo
Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales
Jugamos con todos los fonemas: ppp, ll, tt, rr
Los pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.
Homework of the week:
Draw our planet
Family project
For this month you will be creating a Sun! (Sun template provided.)
Happy Birthday/ Feliz cumpleaños to Darcy Demidovich and Wilfrid Amoakon.
Friendly Reminders:
· If you would like to have a
conference about your child’s development during this last trimester, please
sign up in the sheet that is outside the classroom.
· If you would like to bring
sunscreen (cream not spray) for your child, please make sure to check the
expiration date, fill out the form, and bring it in a labeled Ziploc bag. Thank
· Remember that we have a
closed-toe shoe policy to avoid safety hazards.
Important Upcoming Dates:
*June 5th: Report Cards will be sent home
*June 8th – 12th: Red Shirt Swap (More information on Friday’s News) - ATTENTION GRADUATING STUDENT’S PARENTS. This is a great idea for all of you who are not sure what to do now with any Sff! uniforms
*June 12th: Parents/Teacher conference (If you would like to have a conference about your child’s development this last trimester, please sign up in the sheet that is outside the classroom.)
Thank you:
We would like to officially say Good Bye to Ms. Alma!
Thank you for these wonderful months with our Ositos, we wish you the best in Colorado!
We also would like to officially welcome Ms. Sugey to our Ositos family. We are looking forward to a great summer camp!
Finally, Thank you Ositos Parents for your wonderful support and for choosing us as your child care provider. It’s a pleasure to be a trusted part of your family!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz
and Ms. Sugey