Dear Ositos parents
Our theme of the month is The Animal Kingdom and this week we will be learning about the domestic animals and our children will identify their characteristics, food and habitat .
Also we will do an overview about The Animal Kingdom. The children will classify animals according to their habitat.
The words we will learn this week are:
el perro-the dog
el gato-the cat
el pez-the fish
la tortuga-the turtle
el caballo-the horse
el pajaro-the bird
el conejo- the rabbit
suave- soft
docil- docile
canta- sing
Special activities:
march 27-Pet day please let me know if you would bring your pet
Upcoming Events:
April 13- International Party; we are preparing for this activity and this week we will deliver a letter about the details for this special event.
GRACIAS! parents for bringing plastic insects and books that helped me with the theme.
Have a great week
Miss Iris and Miss Sandra